How Many Calories Should We Burn A Day

The number of calories a person should burn per day differs depending on age, gender, weight, level of activity, and overall health objectives. Individual calorie requirements can vary considerably, so this question has yet to have a universal solution. However, this article, will explain how many calories should we burn a day.

How Many Calories Should We Burn A Day

The number of calories you should burn per day depends on your personal health and fitness objectives, as well as your age, gender, height, weight, and level of physical activity.

1. To Reduce Weight

To reduce weight, a calorie deficit must exist. This means you either consume fewer calories than your body needs, burn additional calories, or combine both.

The ideal calorie deficit for sustainable weight loss is 10–20% fewer calories than your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

Suppose your body requires 2,200 calories per day. A 10%–20% calorie deficit corresponds to 1,760–1,980 calories per day (Equation: 2,200 – (2,200 0.1) = 1,980 or 2,200 – (2,200 0.2) = 1,760).

While a more significant calorie deficit will result in faster weight loss, it may be difficult to maintain over the long term because it will likely cause substantial appetite. Your body may employ mechanisms, such as lethargy or a decreased metabolic rate, to prevent further weight loss.

In addition, an excessive deficit can result in the loss of lean muscle mass. A moderate calorie deficit with resistance training can help preserve lean muscle mass while fostering fat loss.

However, numerous variables can affect weight loss, including age, genetics, hormones, medical conditions, and medications. Consequently, you may need to collaborate with a healthcare professional who can provide individualized recommendations.

2. To Maintain Weight

To maintain weight, you must ensure that your calorie intake and expenditure are equal.

To figure this out, you’ll need to calculate your TDEE, which is the number of calories your body needs to sustain the weight you’re currently at.

If you’re gaining weight, you’re likely imbibing more calories or expending fewer calories than you intend. If you lose weight, you enjoy not consuming sufficient calories or expending excessive calories.

3. To Put On Weight

To put on weight, you need to eat more calories than you burn. This means that you either eat more calories than your body needs or burn less calories.

As with a calorie deficit, you should do this gradually to ensure it is healthful and sustainable. A 10–20% calorie surplus will enable gradual and slow weight gain.

If your daily calorie requirements are 2,200, a 10–20% calorie surplus would be 2,420–2,640 calories daily.

While it may seem logical to consume many calories and limit physical activity, this strategy is not optimal because it will likely result in excessive fat accumulation and eliminate the health benefits of exercise.

Optimally, choose high-calorie, nutrient-dense foods to support gradual weight gain. Several examples include:

  • Including whole milk and yogurt, protein drinks
  • Avocados, almonds, and seeds, as well as their oils
  • rice and various whole cereals
  • Salmon and other oily fish meal replacement beverages as a snack
  • If you find it difficult to consume large meals, consider consuming fewer meals more frequently. 
  • Highly active individuals may also wish to reduce their physical activity. For instance, you may desire to reduce your exercise duration, frequency, or intensity.

In some instances, your healthcare provider may want you to gain weight more quickly, so be sure to follow their instructions.

So How Many Calories Should I Eat?

To reduce weight, a calorie deficit is required. This means that you expend more calories than you consume on any given day. To acquire weight, it is necessary to be in a calorie surplus. Therefore, how many calories should you consume?

Multiplying your current body weight by 15 is the easiest method to calculate your caloric needs. Depending on your objective, add or subtract 500 calories using this number. To maintain weight, you should consume 2,400 calories daily if you weigh 160 pounds. Along with regular exercise, a diet of 1,900 calories will help you lose weight.

Consider your BMR and activity levels to get a more accurate estimation of your calorie requirements. Depending on your gender, use one of the following BMR formulas:

Adult Male: 66 plus (6.3 x bodyweight in kilogram) plus (12.9 x height in inches) minus (6.8 x age in years) equals basal metabolic rate.

Adult Female: 655 plus (4.3 x weight in kilogram) plus (4.7 x height in inches) minus (4.7 x age in years) equals basal metabolic rate.

Once you’ve determined your BMR, input it into one of the following formulas based on your activity level to determine your daily caloric requirements: 

  • Sedentary (minimal or no physical activity) = BMR × 1.2
  • Minimally active (1–3 days of exercise or activity per week) = BMR multiplied by 1.375
  • Moderately active (3–5 days of moderate exercise per week) = BMR multiplied by 1.55
  • Very active (6–7 days of intense exercise per week) = BMR x 1.72
  • Extra active (for example, athletes who train twice per day) = BMR x 1.9

What Burns Calories?  

Essentially, all activities consume calories. From grocery shopping to taking a siesta, you are constantly burning calories. When reducing or gaining weight, a calorie surplus or deficit is of greater importance than calorie expenditure. 

Consequently, exercise is essential to a wholesome lifestyle. Before determining your diet, you must know how many calories you consume. Here are some of the activities that expend the most calories per hour (based on a 155-pound individual):

Activities Calories Burns
Running808 calories
Water polo703 calories 
Bicycling596 calories
Calisthenics596 calories
Circuit training596 calories
Jump rope562 calories
Stationary bicycling520 calories
Rowing machine520 calories
Aerobic dance492 calories
Swimming (casual)492 calories
Jogging492 calories
Hiking421 calories

Build Lean Muscle 

It is evident from the preceding list that cardio consumes more calories than resistance training; however, it would be unwise to perform only cardio exercises. In addition to making you appear more toned and fit, building lean muscle through resistance training will increase your calorie expenditure.

When you have more significant amounts of lean muscle, you expend more calories at rest. Regular resistance training for ten weeks can increase metabolism and reduce body fat. As time advances, your body becomes a more efficient calorie-burning machine.

Diversity is desirable in most facets of life. To achieve the best weight loss outcomes, combine cardio and strength training. The Ski-Row Air and Ski-Row Air + PWR machines from Energy Fit are ideal for this.

These machines provide both a cardiovascular workout of intense intensity and a full-body resistance workout. You can simultaneously burn calories and develop lean muscle mass!

Thanks for reading.

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